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Seven months ago I had just wrapped up my year long training for a fitness competition.  During the time leading up to my show, my days were planned around my training sessions, meals and planning. So much effort goes into preparing for a competition!   On top of the normal training I did a weekly live Facebook show to share with everyone my journey.   I’m so glad I shared my prep process with the world.  Each week I talked about what I was going through and what my focus was that week.

When I completed my show and training I didn’t have anything to focus on or train for. It was a weird feeling after prepping for sooooo long!  I didn’t want to fiddle my thumbs but I wasn’t sure where to go next.

That’s when women started reaching out to me and asking for more videos, tips, and motivation.  Out of those requests our community was formed!   It’s for women only, my goal with this group is to have a safe place for us to encourage and support each other.

CLICK HERE TO JOIN —-> Empowering Women Through Fitness

I have big dreams and goals not just for this group, but what we can do in the future!


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